When does WP Rocket delete which files?
Below, you'll find the specific triggers which cause the contents of each of WP Rocket's folders or tables to be deleted.
💡In some cases 3rd party plugins/themes/hosts could also be using our “clean” functions in their code.
- When WP Rocket settings are changed: That is, when activating and deactivating features that affect the frontend of the site, and when editing their exclusions.
- Clear Cache lifespan
- Only files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
- Automatic triggers:
- See our guide: How Often is the Cache Updated
- View the related code on GitHub
- Manual triggering of Clear Cache (from the WP Rocket admin toolbar, or WP Rocket Dashboard tab)
- When the cache is cleared by calling rocket_clean_domain.
- Can also be triggered by hosting/caching compatibilities to keep the caches in sync (e.g. on WP Engine and others).
- When Elementor’s CSS Print Method is set to External File, if a post or the Elementor CSS of a post is updated.
- Updating WP Rocket, depending on the type of changes included in the new version.
- After the dynamic lists of exclusions are automatically imported each week.
- When the Used CSS (from the Remove Unused CSS option) has been cleared, manually or automatically.
- When the Priority Elements have been cleared
Related function: rocket_clean_domain.
- Manual triggering of Clear Cache (from the WP Rocket admin toolbar, or WP Rocket Dashboard tab).
- Deactivation of Minify CSS files or Minify JavaScript files, not Combine JavaScript files.
- Is NOT deleted when Clear Cache lifespan is triggered or via a cron job using ONLY rocket_clean_domain.
- Is deleted when clearing cache is triggered via a cron job using rocket_clean_domain AND rocket_clean_minify.
- Beaver builder cache clear.
- When Elementor's CSS Print Method is set to External File, and the Elementor CSS in a post is updated, the CSS files in this folder are deleted.
- When the Self-host Google Fonts feature is activated or deactivated.
Related function: rocket_clean_minify.
- Manual triggering of Clear Cache (from the WP Rocket admin toolbar, or WP Rocket Dashboard tab).
- ⚠️ Is NOT deleted when Clear Cache lifespan is triggered or via a cron job using rocket_clean_domain.
- When Elementor's CSS Print Method is set to External File, and the Elementor CSS in a post is updated, the CSS files in this folder are deleted.
Related function: rocket_clean_cache_busting.
- When the theme is changed.
- When Load CSS Asynchronously is enabled.
- When a regeneration of Critical Path CSS is triggered.
Related function: clean_critical_css().
- Manual triggering of Clear Used CSS via the WP Rocket toolbar menu.
- Switching themes.
- Changing the items added to Remove Unused CSS's CSS safelist text area.
- When the Self-host Google Fonts feature is activated or deactivated.
For specific pages/posts:
- Editing a post/page.
- Editing/deleting terms.
- When the comment count changes.
- When rocket_clean_domain is used.
- When rocket_clean_domain is used.
- When changing the CDN option.
- When switching the theme.
- When changing domain.
Entries of this table are purged when:
- The permalinks are changed.
- The theme is switched.
- After updating a post.
As part of the Optimize critical images' automatic clearing of images.
Entries of this table are purged when:
- The permalinks are changed.
- The theme is switched.
- After updating a post.
As per the automatic purge of the Automatic Lazy Rendering option.