Dynamic exclusions and inclusions

All exclusions and inclusions required for compatibility,  i.e. prevent WP Rocket from breaking a site's layout or functioning, are stored in WP Rocket's cloud and distributed in specific lists for specific features.

The following features use dynamic exclusions and inclusions:

The lists are downloaded to your site automatically every week. This way, you don't need to download new plugin versions to get advantage of new compatibility updates.

The lists will be stored as JSON files inside WP Rocket's configuration folder, at /wp-content/wp-rocket-config/, as follows:

Manual update of lists

You can also download the lists manually if you want to. For this, please use the Update Lists button in the Tools tab, here:

update lists

In order to run the updates this feature relies on cron. For this, it uses a cron event called rocket_update_dynamic_lists. Additionally, the IP found here should be allowed in your server.

If by any reason your server setup can't run the automatic downloads of the lists, every update of WP Rocket will include an updated version of each  JSON file to be used as fallback.


  • An active license of WP Rocket is required to receive the dynamic lists updates.
  • Any custom exclusions and inclusions you've added using the different boxes in WP Rocket settings page will still be applied.
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