Caching query strings

WP Rocket does not cache pages with query strings by default, although there are some very specific exceptions (see below). 

A query string is where you have a URL that contains a question mark followed by a parameter and a value, like this:

In this case, country is the parameter and italy is the value.

If you want these types of pages to be cached, go to the Advanced Rules settings tab, and add each parameter in the Cache Query String(s) text field (one per line):

When you do this, a dedicated cache file will be generated for each value the parameter country receives in a URL.

If there are multiple parameters in a URL, as long as one of your specified parameters is present, the page will be cached.
For example, if country is a cached parameter, the following URL will be cached:

Additionally, all  special characters included in parameters will be stripped from the box but will still work. For example, if you have a country[] parameter, the Cache Query String(s) box will only show country. Despite this setting behavior, the caching will work for URLs such as[]=italy

Special cases

Ignored query string parameters with standard caching

For all of the parameters listed below, WP Rocket will ignore the query string and serve the standard cache file, regardless of any parameter values in the URL. Here’s what that means:  

// will BOTH receive the cache file from:

If you would like to customize the list of ignored parameters, please see this guide.

  • Age Verify plugin: age-verified
  • Autoptimize: ao_noptimize
  • AMP: usqp
  • Cookie Notice: cn-reloaded
  • ShareASale: sscid


  • vgo_ee

Adobe Advertising Cloud

  • ef_id

Adobe Analytics

  • s_kwcid


  • _bta_tid
  • _bta_c


  • dm_i


  • fb_action_ids
  • fb_action_types
  • fb_source
  • fbclid

Google Analytics and Ads:

  • utm_source
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_medium
  • utm_expid
  • utm_term
  • utm_content
  • utm_id
  • utm_source_platform
  • utm_creative_format
  • utm_marketing_tactic
  • _ga
  • gclid
  • campaignid
  • adgroupid
  • adid
  • gbraid
  • wbraid
  • gad_source

Google Web Stories:

  • _gl

Google DoubleClick

  • gclsrc

Google Shopping

  • srsltid


  • gdfms
  • gdftrk
  • gdffi


  • _ke
  • _kx


  • trk_contact
  • trk_msg
  • trk_module
  • trk_sid


  • mc_cid
  • mc_eid


  • mkwid
  • pcrid


  • mtm_source
  • mtm_medium
  • mtm_campaign
  • mtm_keyword
  • mtm_cid
  • mtm_content

Microsoft Advertising

  • msclkid


  • epik
  • pp

Piwik Pro:

  • pk_source
  • pk_medium
  • pk_campaign
  • pk_keyword
  • pk_cid
  • pk_content


  • redirect_log_mongo_id
  • redirect_mongo_id
  • sb_referer_host

Please note: A dedicated cache file will be created when the parameters found in the dedicated caching section below or those placed on the Advanced Rules tab referenced above are included in the URL.

URLs with multiple ignored parameters

A query string can also contain multiple parameter/value pairs, chained by  & characters. Example:

In cases where you have a mixture of ignored parameters (from the list above) and others not on the list, the page will not be cached. Parameters in the URL must all be present in the ignored list for the page to be cached.

Parameters with dedicated caching

  • lang
  • permalink_name
  • lp-variation-id

For all of the parameters listed above, WP Rocket will serve the dedicated cache file, depending on the parameter values in the URL. Here’s what that means:

// will create a dedicated cache file for their parameter/value pairs:


WooCommerce Geolocation Support

In WooCommerce there is the option to enable Geolocation (with page caching support):

Default Customer Location: Geolocate (with page caching support)

When that option is active, WooCommerce appends a query string to each URL, like this:


WP Rocket automatically caches those parameters. 

Search results (dedicated caching)

The standard parameter for WordPress search results is: s 
However, the Cache query strings option will not enable caching for this parameter. To cache search results, please install the helper plugin found here.

Caching query strings and Cloudflare APO

Cloudflare APO is not compatible with the Cache Query String(s) feature unless it's used along with Cache Everything. Please find more information here.

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