Delay JavaScript Execution compatibility exclusions

When using the Delay JavaScript Execution feature you may notice that it takes some time, or user's interaction for some elements, e.g. a menu, or a form that is located in the viewport, to appear.

One-click exclusions boxes

You can prevent that, by clicking on the plugin/theme/service-specific boxes in the One-click exclusions section under the Delay JavaScript execution feature:

clicking one click exclusions boxes

Excluded JavaScript Files box

If you can't find a specific dependency, plugin, theme or service in the One-click exclusions section, you can find any type of custom exclusion using the techniques described in this article, and set them into the Excluded JavaScript Files box.

For example, you can refer to this article to set exclusions for general JavaScript dependencies.

Other automatic exclusions

For compatibility reasons, some scripts are automatically excluded in WP Rocket’s core. You can check the current exclusions here, by searching for the array delay_js_exclusions.

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