Installing WP Rocket

This article contains the minimum requirements (PHP and WordPress versions) to install WP Rocket, as well as the instructions on how to download, and install manually and automatically the plugin.

Minimum requirements

PHP version

WP Rocket requires PHP 7.3 or above. You can ask your host to upgrade your PHP version.

WordPress version

WP Rocket requires WordPress 5.8 or above.

WordPress Action Scheduler version

WP Rocket requires Action Scheduler version to be at least 3.0.0.

Server requirements for file optimizations

Some of WP Rocket's file optimizations (like Preload and Remove Unused CSS) require adequate server resources to function properly. Resource demand can vary depending on the size of your site and could also be affected by other plugins and services you are using.

We do have documentation that can often help with configuration tips for large websites, high CPU issues, and Used CSS generation issues.

Download WP Rocket

Once you have bought WP Rocket, you can download the zip file from your WP Rocket  account page.

Note: If you use Safari, it might be automatically un-zipping the file on download. Either re-zip it, or follow below instructions.

Disable automatic un-zipping in Safari

If you want to use the Automatic Installation method for WP Rocket, ie. installing the plugin through your WordPress dashboard, you need to start with the zip file of the plugin. If you use Safari, it might be un-zipping it for you which causes confusion. 

Go to Safari > Preferences and un-check the box labelled Open "safe" files after downloading:

Now you can download the zip file normally and proceed with installation :)

There are two WP Rocket installation options: Automatic or Manual.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest way to install WP Rocket. 

To do it, log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to : Plugin->Add New and click on Upload Plugin.

Select the zip file and click on Install Now. After clicking that link, you will be asked if you are sure you want to install the plugin. Click yes and WordPress will automatically complete the installation process. 

Note: Once it's activated, simply go to the settings panel. 

Manual installation

The manual installation involves uploading all the files to your webserver through a FTP software. 

Unzip the archive, then upload the wp-rocket folder to wp-content/plugins directory.

Finally activate the plugin through your WordPress admin.

Note: Once it's activated, simply go to the settings panel. 

WP Rocket's license data

In some cases, you might need to add your license info to your wp-config.php file. This can be useful as an alternate way of validating the license without a full reinstall, for example, when migrating the license, after resetting the API key, etc.

To add the license's info into wp-config.php, you'll have to define the following two constants in the  wp-config.php file:



  • YOUR_ACCOUNT_EMAIL with the email of your WP Rocket account.
  • YOUR_API_KEY with your API Key.

To find your API Key, download WP Rocket from your account:

Open the license-data.php file and copy the value of WP_ROCKET_KEY.

Note:  Changing your license information will reset your WP Rocket settings. So, before doing this, it is highly recommended to Export WP Rocket settings to easily reimport them afterward.

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