Always purge URL(s)

When a post or a page is updated, cache will be partially cleared, i.e. cache will be cleared only for that post or page and its related content (e.g. taxonomy archives). If you find that the related content is not updated on some other pages (e.g. a page that lists blog posts) you can use the Always Purge URL(s) feature.

Use the Always Purge URL(s) text area to specify URL(s) that you want always to be purged as in the example:

Add multiple pages with a wildcard:


Note that any URLs entered in this field will be preloaded after being purged (assuming that feature has been enabled).

Should you use the trailing slash?

Whether or not you include a trailing slash at the end of the URL depends on how your site is set up. You can go to Settings → Permalinks and look at the structure you are using. If it ends with a slash (/), such as /%postname%/ (which is the most typical), you must include it when adding URLs to this box.

This feature may not work on some hosting platforms where WP Rocket page caching is disabled. See Hosting Compatibility article for more details.

Related resources:

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