Enabling white label for footprint, dashboard and RocketCDN

HTML comment footprint

You can remove mention of WP Rocket in the HTML comment footprint from the source code of your site:

WP Rocket HTML comment footprint

Edit wp-config.php at the root of your WordPress installation and add this constant:


Then clear the cache.

The footprint will be updated to a generic message without mention of WP Rocket:

White label for HTML comment footprint

Dashboard & RocketCDN

You can remove the My Account section from the Dashboard tab in our settings:

account section in the dashboard

Edit wp-config.php at the root of your WordPress installation and add this constant:


The Dashboard will no longer display the details of your account:

dashboard without my account section

These references to RocketCDN will also be removed:

  • RocketCDN section on the Dashboard tab.
  • The Manage Subscription link on the CDN tab.
  • RocketCDN promotional banners

If you want to replace the plugin name at the sidebar menu and the top bar menu, edit wp-config.php at the root of your WordPress installation and add this constant and replace something else with the name you want:

define ('WP_ROCKET_PLUGIN_NAME', 'something else');
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