How many sites is my license key valid for?

Currently, there are 3 different license plans available for WP Rocket:

  • Single: 1 site
  • Plus: 3 sites
  • Multi: 50/100/500 sites

Before 2025, WP Rocket had these licenses: Single, for 1 site; Plus, for 3 sites; and Infinite for an unlimited number of sites. These licenses are still valid for users who had previously purchased them, until the next renewal date. After that, the Infinite license will be switched to the appropriate Multi license, depending on the number of websites you are using WP Rocket on. You will be notified about the details prior to the switch.

Definition of “1 site”

The term of “1 site” translates into the top level domain used in your WordPress Site URL when you activate WP Rocket.
(There is only one exception to this definition; it is mentioned at the end of this article.)

Your Site URL in WordPress is defined in your General Settings:

Example #1: Single site

If something like (with or without www) is defined as your Site URL, your WordPress site will count as 1 site. This is a no-brainer. 😉

Example #2: Multiple single sites under 1 top level domain

If you have WordPress installs at:


…then all of these sites are allowed to share the same WP Rocket license key as long as they share the same top level domain They all count as 1 site, even though they are multiple WordPress installations.

However, a different base domain name, like, would require an additional license key, of course.

Example #3: Local domains

Local domains don’t count at all for your WP Rocket license. They may appear as registered sites in your license account, but they won’t be counted by our system. 

By the way, here’s a list of local domains supported by WP Rocket.


What is Multisite?
If you don’t know what a WordPress Multisite network is, you can read it up here, but don’t bother reading this section. It would not apply to you.

WP Rocket can not be network-activated in a WordPress Multisite installation. Instead it will have to be activated on each sub-site.

If you set up multiple sites within a Multisite network, one of the following patterns would apply:

  •,,… etc. -OR-
  •,,>… etc.

Thus, you will be using one and the same top level domain across your network.
In this case (again, as above) you may use one and the same license key for all the sub-sites in your network.

Mapped domains

What are mapped domains?
We speak of mapped domains when additional domains are “mapped” to a WordPress install, so that the website can be reached at, but parts of it, or the whole site, can also be reached at,,, or

On a WordPress Multisite install, top level domains for your sub-sites will require multiple separate license keys—one for each of your sub-sites.

Here’s why: Although Site URLs for those sub-sites would technically share the same top level (network) domain, in operation they could, in fact, provide content totally unrelated to each other, and not even their domain would indicate they were part of a Multisite network. That’s why in this particular case, they can not share one single license key.

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