Using YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier with WP Rocket

If you use the YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin, you may experience a conflict with JavaScript minification and LazyLoad. Here’s how to solve it.

Exclude JavaScript file from minification

If you have enabled Minify JavaScript files in WP Rocket, you must exclude this file URI from minification:


Disable LazyLoad for variable products

If the Zoom magnifier does not seem to work correctly for  variable product images when LazyLoad is enabled on the Media tab in WP Rocket, disable LazyLoad  on those specific pages only.

Programatically disable LazyLoad for product pages

If it fits your use case, you can also programatically disable LazyLoad for product pages with the following Helper Plugin:

📥  Download (.zip):  WP Rocket | No LazyLoad for WooCommerce Product Images
Developers: You can find the code for this plugin on GitHub.

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