WP Rocket's GitHub repository

WP Rocket codebase, plans and issues are public, and can be found in the official repository on GitHub.

Over there, the product team is in charge of assessing the reported issues. As a part of their assessment, they consider things as urgency, feasibility, effort, and the planned roadmap.

Therefore, it's important to highlight the following:

  • The creation of the GitHub issue is an acknowledgement of a problematic situation or need.
  • Not all bugs and feature requests can be addressed or fixed.
  • We can't guarantee a resolution within a given timeframe.

Important! Layout issues, plugin configuration and other questions should not be added to the repository. Instead, a support ticket should be submitted.

Closed issues

Sometimes, issues are closed if we are unable to replicate, don't have full information for investigations and similar. 

Closing an issue doesn’t mean it will never be worked on. It means that it’s not being worked on in the short-term. However, issues can be reopened in the future as we change focus or if we receive new data related to a closed case.

Keeping specific GitHub issues open, allows us to retain focus and put all our effort into further improving WP Rocket.
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