Erreur : Blank response from server. Vérifiez la console pour des informations de débogage

Your site is hosted with OVH and you are getting this error when using LocoTranslate along with WP Rocket:

Erreur : Blank response from server. Vérifiez la console pour des informations de débogage

This is an OVH specific problem, because their compression rules are in conflict with WP Rocket's GZIP rules in the  .htaccess. We haven't found the exact reason yet.

To fix this, you will need to remove our compression rules with the following helper plugin:

📥   Download (.zip):  WP Rocket | Remove GZIP (mod_deflate) rules
Developers: you’ll find the code for this plugin on GitHub.

Just install and activate it. It will automatically update the .htaccess rules.

Note: removing the GZIP rules from .htaccess won’t have a negative impact in the site’s performance as long as Brotli compression is enabled on your server, which most OVH sites have.

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