Plugins and themes not compatible with WP Rocket

In this article, you will find the list of plugins and themes which are not compatible with WP Rocket.

These plugins and themes are preventing WP Rocket's caching and/or optimizations due to one of the following reasons:

  • Incorrect PHP output buffering clearing.
  • Set of the DONOTCACHEPAGE constant to TRUE.
  • One of their specific options is not compatible with WP Rocket.

Plugins with incorrect PHP buffering

In these cases, the process in which WP Rocket's applies the optimizations is interrupted by the incorrect handling of the PHP buffer. Unfortunately, there's no available fix for this problem.

Plugins that set the DONOTCACHEPAGE constant to TRUE


In some cases, using the force page caching approach allows WP Rocket to work. 

However, keep in mind that forcing page caching when using these plugins is going to override a third party decision. This action can break the features that were not compatible with page caching. 

Therefore, this fix should be monitored carefully.

Plugins and themes with incompatible options

  • AMP plugin
    • Incompatible option: Settings > Template mode > Standard Template.
  • Ad Inserter Pro
    • Incompatible option: Disable Caching.
  • Advanced Ads Pro
    • Incompatible option: Advanced Ads > settings > Pro > Placement positioning.
  • Asset CleanUp
    • Incompatible option: Settings > Plugin Usage Preferences > Manage in the Front-end.
  • Beaver Builder
    • Incompatible option: Settings > Beaver Builder > Tools >Cache Clearing Tool
  • Bookly Appointment Booking
    • Incompatible option: Bookly > Settings > Prevent caching of pages with booking form.
  • Forminator Plugin
    • Incompatible option: Form edit > Behavior > Rendering > Prevent page caching on form pages.
  • GeoLocation IP Detection
    • Incompatible option: General options > Disable caching a page that contains a shortcode or API call.
  • Mailster
    • Incompatible option: Advanced > Disable Form Caching.
  • Meow Lightbox
    • Incompatible option: Lightbox > Performanace > Advanced > Output buffering.
  • Nexcess by Nexcess hosting
    • Incompatible option: Page cache > Enable the site cache.
  • Plugin Load Filter
    • Incompatible option: Plugin Load Filter > Filter Registration > Setting WP Rocket as Admin Type will prevent caching. Setting WP Rocket as Normalshould fix the problem.
  • RankMath SEO
    • Incompatible option:  Titles & Meta > Rewrite titles prevents optimizations being applied (page caching works)
  • Spam protection, Anti-Spam, FireWall
    • Incompatible option: Advanced settings > Capture buffer.
  • Search and Filter
    • Incompatible option: Settings & Defaults > Advanced > Force is_search() to always be true?.
  • ThemeREX Addons
    • Incompatible option: ThemeREX Addons Settings > General > Move styles to the head.
  • Webcraftic Clearfy
    • Incompatible option: Performance > Minify Html code.


It's only possible to use these plugins along with WP Rocket if you keep their specific incompatible option deactivated.

Plugins making an incorrect use of WP Rocket's options

  • Cookie Cracker
    • Prevents caching and optimizations by automatically setting cookies to the site, and programmatically setting those same cookies to the Never Cache Cookies option.
  • CURCY - WooCommerce Multi-Currency Premium
    • Prevents caching and optimizations by using mandatory cookies, but only setting some of them.
    • Also prevents caching and optimizations, by not removing the mandatory cookies after the plugin is deactivated.
  • Plugin for Google Reviews
    • This plugin is using our pre_get_rocket_option_remove_unused_css_safelist filter in a wrong way to set an item in our Remove Unused CSS safe list.
    • This prevents the Remove Unused CSS' Safe list to be saved or modified.
  • Ti WooCommerce Wishlist
    • Automatically prevents caching if the tinv_wishlist cookie is set. However, the cookie seems to be set without reason, unnecessarily preventing caching.
  • Weglot
    • Automatically sets weglot_wp_rocket_cache as mandatory cookie. Therefore, it's required to use their feature: Other options > Auto redirection. This option will allow partial compatibility between the plugins.

Themes with incorrect PHP buffering

Themes that set the DONOTCACHEPAGE constant to TRUE

Themes making an incorrect use of WP Rocket's options

  • Bamboo by Mediavine
    • Triggers full cache clearing on each page load.
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