Manually clear WP Rocket cache

If you need to manually clear the WP Rocket cache, you can do so using an FTP program, or the File Manager in your hosting control panel.

All your site’s cache files are stored here:


You will see sub-folders for each page, category, etc., and within those, an index.html and index.html_gzip for each.

So if you need to delete the entire site cache, just delete all folders files within the / folder.

Or you delete a specific page’s cache by deleting just that folder.

See the following video for a demonstration:

WP Rocket also stores minified and optimized files in the following folders:

  • /cache/min/
  • /cache/busting/
  • /cache/critical-css/
  • /cache/used-css/
  • /cache/background-css/
  • /cache/fonts/

You can use the same process demonstrated above to delete them.

And, in the following tables, WP Rocket also stores optimized content which you may want to purge:

  • wpr_above_the_fold
  • wpr_lazy_render_content 

Important! Truncating the tables and/or clearing the rows is an advanced task. Please back up your site!

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