Redis and object caching

Redis is used to perform object caching. This is a different type of caching than the page caching provided by WP Rocket. So it's completely possible to use Redis, or another type of object caching at the same time as WP Rocket. However, you will need to: 

  • Ensure your host offers object caching
  • Use an additional plugin for configuring and managing the object cache

WP Rocket itself does not provide or integrate with object caching, but there is no conflict.

Examples of object caching

Requires specific installation on servers

Benefits of object caching

This can help pages that can't be page cached by WP Rocket: 

  • The backend of your WordPress site
  • Front-end pages that have to be excluded from caching such as checkout pages or highly dynamic pages such as membership areas and social activity pages.

For further information, we have a detailed post about object caching on our blog.

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